
Buster is a 14-year old Terrier type of dog that has greeted me every day for 5 years with the same thing: Old-ass hatred. He growls at me and slowly walks away. Once and only once has he barked at me. I’ve never worried about being bit; I don’t think he has enough teeth for it.

Today was a day for concern. He’s usually asleep when I walk up, but he wouldn’t growl at me the entire time I sorted letters, dropped mail off, even called his name. I was worried enough to knock on the door and ask his owner about him.

He did wake up while I was asking after him and give me a light growl to express his hatred. He then accepted a petting with a contented look, growled again to make sure I understood where he stood on the matter, and went back to sleep.

He’s a good old man.

Sidenote: He has a bed right behind where I’m standing in this picture, but he refuses to sleep on it.