06/18/2024 Back to School…

We’ve reached the point of the grievance process where it will sit in a “No Man’s Land” between the Union and Management: Step A. When this occurs, Union leadership sends the evidence up the chain of command so Management cannot squirm out of the decision-making process on whether or not I still have a job.

Technically, I’ll still be Career, but I’ll be sitting in Limbo until they finally stop being stubborn. My experience tells me that this is how they get around the higher-level charges being set against them: they wait out the grievance. I’ve one coworker who’s been at this stage for nearly two years…

I can’t sit on my laurels and wait that long. I’m no longer involved in the grievance, so I’m left to my own devices. That left me with many late-nights pondering (despairing) on what to do.

But I have a lot stashed away, financially, so the family will be fed. It might get tight occasionally, but we have breathing room for me to decide on something:

“Should I go back to school and try a new stage in my life?”

I’ve applied for a course on Cybersecurity. It’s something that I’ve had an interest in for years, but when I started in the Post Office, it was a highly-restricted field. Now that it’s been made more available, I can finally learn and work in a new field.

So, there it is. I’m going back to school. Only took twenty years…

Going to be some late nights spent studying and handling homework. I have an assessment to take in a couple of days, but I’ll let you know how it goes. For now, it’s chores and budgeting.

Stay safe out there, folks.

-JB Swift

Author: Jacob Swift

Swift is a US Postman, writer, RPG player, husband, and father, based in a small town in Louisiana. After ten years of not seeking publication, he’s decided to try again. In the meantime, he works a manual labor job and cares for his family. This blog site is a spot for him to put his notes and thoughts down, as well as brag about his family’s accomplishments.

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