06/03/2024 House-Spousing, Writing Sprints, Book Choices

My family is slightly confused with me being around so much.

Though they’re also happy with the fact that the chores normally taking two or three nights to finish (because of sheer exhaustion) has been done during the morning, with the rest of the day being spent actually being around. For the first time in 15 years.

I bet $5 that they all start begging for me to find odd jobs soon. Han asked me quite bluntly, “Dad, don’t you have any writing to do?” when I dropped off the second set of folded clothes.

I did take her advice and made it through thirty minutes of writing before I was called away to help with the household. With over 700 words, I felt pretty good about myself and my craft. Right up until I realized how much I was putting into the story.

It’s looking like novella-range is going to be hit quite easily, and I’m wondering if I will be able to sell it, or if I’ll need to figure out how to either pare it down immensely or add to it until it’s at the minimum word count for novel-length.

I mean… I’d try it.

While trying to figure out what to do with that, I’m looking through my collection of sci-fi books to read over. I’ve one I’ve read before (but it’s been a minute) and one that I can’t remember buying.

I keep finding books in my storage building!

I’ve read “Ender’s Game” before, but that was… 20 years ago? Maybe more? It’s a bit of a blur to recall. “Rendezvous with Rama” by Arhur C. Clarke looks like it’s supposed to be in my collection, but I really don’t remember buying it, or it being loaned/gifted to me. I’m not sure which one to look over and give a review, so if you’ve made it this far, leave a comment on which one you’d like me to talk about!

I might attempt another writing sprint this evening, but the part I’m getting to will be action-intensive, so I’ll want to make sure I handle it correctly. Most likely it’ll be an evening of resume building (yay…) and Fallout.

Meanwhile, the Carport Kitten named Baka is trying to destroy my shoes.

The Chucks are NOT scratching posts!

Stay safe out there, folks!

-JB Swift